Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from CLE

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your great support to CLE this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! CLE wish you the best holiday! We hope you had an amazing 2013, and we are looking forward to sharing more memories and experiences with you in 2014!

Monday, December 23, 2013

8 Major Cuisines of China

1. 川菜 chuān cài (四川菜系 sì chuān cài xì)
    SiChuan Cuisine

Sichuan (spelled Szechuan in the once common Postal Romanization), is a style of Chinese cuisine originating in the Sichuan Province of southwestern China famed for bold flavors, particularly the pungency and spiciness resulting from liberal use of garlic and chili peppers, as well as the unique flavour of the Sichuan peppercorn and zhitianjiao. Peanuts, sesame paste and ginger are also prominent ingredients in this style.

Some Famous Dishes:
* Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli (宫保鸡丁 gōng bǎo jī dīng)
* Twice Cooked Pork (回锅肉 huí guō ròu)
* MaPo Tofu (麻婆豆腐 máo pó dòu fu)
* Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce (夫妻肺片 fū qī fèi piàn)

2. 鲁菜 lǔ cài (山东菜系 shān dōng cài xì)
    ShanDong Cuisine

Shandong Cuisine is commonly and simply known as Lu cuisine. With a long history, Shandong Cuisine once formed an important part of the imperial cuisine and was widely promoted in North China. However, it isn't so popular in South China. Shandong Cuisine is featured by a variety of cooking techniques and seafood. The typical dishes on local menu are braised abalone, braised trepang, sweet and sour carp, Jiuzhuan Dachang and Dezhou Chicken. Various Shandong snacks are also worth trying.

Some Famous Dishes:
* Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce (九转大肠 jǐu zhuǎng dà cháng)
* steamed porgy in clear soup (清蒸加吉鱼 qīng zhēng jiā jí yú)
* sweat and sour carp (糖醋鲤鱼 táng cù lǐ yú)

3. 苏菜 sū cài (江苏菜系 jiāng sū cài xì)
    JiangSu Cuisine

Jiangsu cuisine, also known as Su Cuisine for short, is one of the major components of Chinese cuisine, which consists of the styles of Yangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou and Zhenjiang dishes. It is very famous all over the world for its distinctive style and taste. It is especially popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. Typical courses of Jiangsu cuisine are Jinling salted dried duck, crystal meat, clear crab shell meatballs, Yangzhou steamed Jerky strips, triple combo duck, dried duck.

Some Famous Dishes:
* large meatball (狮子头 shī zi tóu)
* Sand Perch in Lotus Leaf (荷包鲫鱼 hé bāo jǐ yú)
* Nanjing Pressed Salted Duck (南京板鸭 nán jīng bǎn yā)

4. 湘菜 xiang1 cai4 (湖南菜系 hú nán cài xì)
    HuNan Cuisine

Hunan cuisine is well known for its hot spicy flavor, fresh aroma and deep color. Common cooking techniques include stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising, and smoking. Due to the high agricultural output of the region, there are varied ingredients for Hunan dishes.

Some Famous Dishes:
* Steamed Multiple Preserved Hams (腊味合蒸 là wèi hé zhēng)
* Chilli Fish Head (剁椒鱼头 duò jiāo yú tóu)
* Shredded Pork with Vegetables (农家小炒肉 nóng jiā xiǎo chǎo ròu)
* Mao's Stewed Pork (毛氏红烧肉 máo shì hóng shāo ròu)

5. 徽菜 huī cài (安徽菜系 ān huī cài xì)
    Hui Cuisine

Anhui cuisine is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China. It is derived from the native cooking styles of the Huangshan Mountains region in China and is similar to Jiangsu cuisine, but with less emphasis on seafood and more on a wide variety of local herbs and vegetables. Anhui province is particularly endowed with fresh bamboo and mushroom crops.

Some Famous Dishes:
* Braised Masked Civet (红烧果子狸 hóng shāo guǒ zi lí)
* Pheasant braised in snow vegetables (雪冬烧山鸡 xuě dōng shāo shān jī)
* Steamed partridge (清蒸石鸡 qīng zhēng shí jī)

6. 闽菜 mǐn cài(福建菜系 fú jiàn cài xì)
    Fujian Cuisine

Fujian cuisine is a Fujian coastal region. Woodland delicacies such as edible mushrooms and bamboo shoots are also utilized. Slicing techniques are valued in the cuisine and utilized to enhance the flavor, aroma and texture of seafood and other foods. Fujian cuisine is often served in a broth or soup, with cooking techniques including braising, stewing, steaming and boiling.

Some Famous Dishes:
* Buddha Jumps Over The Wall (佛跳墙 fó tiào qiáng)
* Fried Taiji Prawns (太极明虾 tài jí míng xiā)
* Pork in Lychees (荔枝肉 lì zhī ròu)

7. 粤菜 yuè cài (广东菜系 guǎng dōng cài xì)
    Hong Kong and Guangdong Cuisine

The Cantonese style of dining, yum cha, combines the variety of dim sum dishes with the drinking of tea. Yum cha literally means 'drink tea'. Cantonese style is the unique and charm dishes, which enjoy a long history and a good reputation both at home and abroad. It is common with other parts of the diet and cuisine in Chinese food culture. Back in ancient times, and the Central Plains on Lingnan Yue Chu family has close contacts. With the changes of dynasty historically, many people escaped the war and crossed the Central Plains, the increasing integration of the two communities.

Some Famous Dishes:
* baked chicken in salt (盐焗鸡 yán jú jī)
* Bergamot ribs (佛手排骨 fó shǒu pái gǔ)
* Kylin Weever (麒麟鲈鱼 qí lín lú yú)

8. 浙菜 zhe4 cai4 (浙江菜系 zhe4 jiang1 cai4 xi4)
    Zhejiang Cuisine

Zhejiang cuisine is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China, derives from the native cooking styles of the Zhejiang region. The dishes are not greasy, having but instead a fresh, soft flavor with a mellow fragrance.

Some Famous Dishes:
* West Lake Vinegar Fish (西湖醋鱼 xī hú cù yú)
* beggars' chicken (叫花鸡 jiào huā jī)
* Dongpo pork (东坡肉 dōng pō ròu)

Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 Top 10 Popular Chinese Words

1. 中国梦 zhōng guó mèng

Chinese dream(to become prosperous and strong)

2. 光盘 guāng pán

empty your plate, (eat all your food, waste nothing)

3. 倒逼 dào bī

take action to make your boss improve

4. 逆袭 nì xí

to win at the last moment through hardship and struggle

5. 女汉子 nǚ hàn zi

tough-girl, tom-boy

6. 土豪 tǔ háo

nouveux riche, Beverley hill billies, 

7. 点赞 diǎn zàn

to “like” or “agree” on something.

8. 微XX wēi XX

mini..., tiny...

9. 大V dà V

People on social media who have a large following and whose opinions are seen by some as influential              

10. 奇葩 qí pā

strange, weird or odd person

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Do You Know These Popular Chinese Buzzwords?

女汉子 nǚ hàn zi    
manly woman/Fe-male

Some women are in the habit of acting or speaking in a manly manner, like removing a beer bottle cap with their teeth or frequently using four-letter words, but it doesn't mean they are homosexual.

二维码 èr wéi mǎ    

QR Code

A QR Code is a matrix code invented by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. The QR is derived from "Quick Response." Camera mobile phone users with code-reading software can scan the image of the QR Code and be relinked to a Website that this code represents.

自然萌 zì rán méng    

naturally cute

An expression used by young people online to describe someone who looks adorable in the way they carry themselves - whether in how they walk or talk. "萌" is transliteration from the Japanese word "moe," which literally means "budding" in English.

天然呆 tiān rán dāi   

natural airhead

This is used to describe a person who appears to be an airhead but is in fact sharp and witty and good company. The expression is borrowed from Japanese, used often by people who are fanatical about ACG (animation, comic and games).

恨天高 hèn tiān gāo    

sky-high shoes

This terms alludes to women's shoes with 15 centimeter-plus heels as favored by icons such as Lady Gaga and Chinese singer Jolin Tsai.

北京咳 běi jīng ké    

Beijing cough

The term "Beijing cough" has been in use since as early as the 1990s among foreigners, many of whom experienced respiratory problems in Beijing's dry and polluted air. But it has become more common as more health problems attributable to the capital's pollution are reported.

Monday, December 9, 2013

"Eat" (吃chī) in Chinese Culture

zhōng guó chī de wén huà
"Eat" (吃chī) in Chinese Culture

岗位 = 饭碗
gǎng wèi = fàn wǎn

谋生/受雇 = 糊口/混饭
mòu shēng/shòu gù = hú kǒu/hùn fàn
Be employed

混得好 = 吃得开
hùn de hǎo = chī de kāi
Well done

受欢迎 = 吃香
shòu huān yíng = chī xiāng
Be welcome

受单独照顾 = 吃小灶
shòu dān dú zhào gù = chī xiǎo zhào
Separate care

不干活,花积蓄 = 吃老本儿
bú gàn huó, huā jī xù = chī lǎo běnr
No job and cost savings

活干太多了觉得累 = 吃不消
huó gàn tài duō le jué de lèi = chī bù xiāo
It's too much to take

受委屈或有经济损失 = 吃亏
shòu5 wěi qū huò yǒu jīng jì sǔn shī = chī kuī 
Suffer losses

没事找事 = 吃饱了撑的
méi shì zhǎo shì = chī bǎo lē chēng de 
Ask for trouble

犹豫不决 = 吃不准
yóu yù bù jué = chī bù zhǔn
In hesitation

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The 3 Plans of 2014 Chinese National Holidays

Do you know there are 3 plans of 2014 Chinese National Holidays? Let's start to talk about them now. 

Three of the holidays are simple, Qingming, Duanwu and Mid-Autumn Festivals are straight up Monday off work. Three day weekends with no make up work days on the weekends. Brilliant.
Now it gets a little interesting. For Chinese New Year we’ll potentially be working the extra Sunday before and the Saturday after the holiday. So before a full 7 days of holiday we’ll have a 1 day weekend, 4 days of work, 7 days off, then after another 3 day work week with a 1 day weekend! Lets look at that another way:

5 days work (normal work week)
1 day off (Saturday)
4 days work
7 days off
3 days work
1 day off (Sunday)
5 days work (normal work week)

Confused? Me too!

Moving on, May Day (Labor Day), is a little disappointing with a work day on the Sunday following the 3 day holiday (Thursday to Saturday), which gives us a 6 day workweek after a long (but too short) weekend holiday.

Now for the good stuff. For next year’s National Day, on October 1, there are three “proposed” plans that offer 3 days, 5 days and 7 days off:

The 7 day plan is the only one that shows working weekends, with a similar set up as the Chinese New Year plan. For this proposal they haven’t counted the weekend as holiday, but added 2 more days holiday from the following week, making 7 days off total. But of course you make up for it by working weekends before and after. So it looks a bit like this:

5 days work (normal work week)
1 day off (Saturday)
3 days work
7 days off
4 days work
1 day off (Sunday)
5 days work (normal work week)

The 3 and the 5 day plans don’t count the weekend as the holiday, so you don’t have to make up any “extra” days on the weekend. The 3 day holiday is only for Wednesday-Friday, then a normal weekend. But the 5 day holiday is Wednesday-Sunday. Isn’t that the same thing? …Yup.

Hoped that helps clear everything up!

Check out the image below to help make more sense of it or check out from:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Some Popular Chinese Buzzwords

1. 潮人 cháo rén


e.g. 他是个潮人,每天出门都要精心打扮一番。

tā shì gè cháo rén ,měi tiān chū mén dōu yào jīng xīn dǎ bàn yī fān 。 

He is a trendsetter, he will dress up before going out everyday.

2. 剩女 shèng nǚ

Single Woman

e.g. 大城市里,剩女越来越多了。
dà chéng shì lǐ ,shèng nǚ yuè lái yuè duō le 。

There are more and more single women in some big morden cities.

3. 土豪 tǔ háo

Someone who is very wealthy but uncultured.


e.g. 那个土豪买了七个金色的iPhone 5s.
nà gè tǔ háo mǎi le qī gè jīn sè de iPhone 5s.

That rich, trashy guy bought seven gold iPhone 5s.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why to learn Chinese characters

With the increasing amount of Chinese learners, more people choose to learn Chinese with Pinyin, not characters. The main reasons are:

   1 Pinyin is easier and similar to English letters, people don’t need to worry about memorizing a lot.
   2 Most people want to acquire Chinese language at a fast way, like the fast food ,they don’t want to be bothered by the slow pace of writing with  strokes .
   3 The majority people learn Chinese for the purpose of communicating, they think it useless for the character study.
Are they right?
   For beginners, it might be easy and effect to learn with Pinyin only. But for those who would like to improve their oral speaking at a intermediate level, they will have a hard time. CLE used to have many students who want to learn oral speaking only. They think they can finish everything with Pinyin. But when seeing the characters in their advanced textbooks, they seemed totally lost. Even if their teachers helped with Pinyin, they couldn’t tell the difference between “ bao zhi “ and “ bao yuan “,they have to memorize this syllable, therefore it is very difficult for them to learn and improve more and higher.

The reason is the spirit of Chinese language exists in the character part. If you understand the radicals, you will find it easy to remember the related character, e.g. 饱 抱. They share the same pronunciation radicals, but the differences exist with the meaning radicals. The Pinyin bao 3 and bao 4 doesn’t make any sense at all. The two radicals and tell people that they are related with food and hand action. This will help student know about more characters.

So it is clear the Chinese learners will try to understand the Chinese characters. People have the fear of learning to write characters, but you need to at least understand each character and know to read it without Pinyin. Only in this way, can you understand the structure of the character and know the differences between similar characters.

Friday, October 25, 2013

What is your Chinese zodiac animal?

中国的十二生肖  Chinese Zodiac

What is your Chinese zodiac animal?

The   Year

1984  1996  2008

1985  1997  2009

1986  1998  2010

1987  1999  2011

1988  2000  2012

1989  2001  2013

1990  2002  2014

1991  2003  2015

1992  2004  2016

1993  2005  2017

1994  2006  2018

1995  2007  2019