Showing posts with label learn Chinese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learn Chinese. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why to learn Chinese characters

With the increasing amount of Chinese learners, more people choose to learn Chinese with Pinyin, not characters. The main reasons are:

   1 Pinyin is easier and similar to English letters, people don’t need to worry about memorizing a lot.
   2 Most people want to acquire Chinese language at a fast way, like the fast food ,they don’t want to be bothered by the slow pace of writing with  strokes .
   3 The majority people learn Chinese for the purpose of communicating, they think it useless for the character study.
Are they right?
   For beginners, it might be easy and effect to learn with Pinyin only. But for those who would like to improve their oral speaking at a intermediate level, they will have a hard time. CLE used to have many students who want to learn oral speaking only. They think they can finish everything with Pinyin. But when seeing the characters in their advanced textbooks, they seemed totally lost. Even if their teachers helped with Pinyin, they couldn’t tell the difference between “ bao zhi “ and “ bao yuan “,they have to memorize this syllable, therefore it is very difficult for them to learn and improve more and higher.

The reason is the spirit of Chinese language exists in the character part. If you understand the radicals, you will find it easy to remember the related character, e.g. 饱 抱. They share the same pronunciation radicals, but the differences exist with the meaning radicals. The Pinyin bao 3 and bao 4 doesn’t make any sense at all. The two radicals and tell people that they are related with food and hand action. This will help student know about more characters.

So it is clear the Chinese learners will try to understand the Chinese characters. People have the fear of learning to write characters, but you need to at least understand each character and know to read it without Pinyin. Only in this way, can you understand the structure of the character and know the differences between similar characters.

Friday, October 25, 2013

How Many Basic Strokes in Chinese?

Basic strokes

Writing rules of Chinese character strokes

Do You Know How Many Tones in Chinese?

TonesTones play a very important role in Chinese. Each Chinese character has one tone. There are four tones in Chinese plus a neutral tone.

(1)     一声调值高而平(55)。
The first tone is high and flat.
(2)     二声从中调值起,升至最高值(35)。
The second tone rises from the middle to the top.
(3)     三声从中低调值开始降低,然后稍有升高到中高调(214)。
The third tone dips from low to lower and then rises slightly.
(4)     四声从调值最高开始,直降到底(51)
The fourth tone falls from the top to the bottom.

声调音高示意图 Illustration of Tones

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Common Greeting Words

rì cháng wèn hòu yǔ 
日  常    问  候  语
Common Greeting Words

1.     你好!
2.     早上好!
4.     谢谢。
5.     不客气。
6.     对不起。
7.     没关系。
8.     再见!
9.     晚安!
10.  明天见!
11.  周末愉快!
1.  nǐ hǎo
2.  zǎo shàng hǎo
3.  zǎo
4.  xiè xie
5.  bú kè qi
6.  duì bu qǐ
7.  méi guān xi
8.  zài jiàn
9.  wǎn ān
10.míng tiān jiàn
11.zhōu mò yú kuài
Hello! How are you?
Good morning!
Thank you.
You are welcome.
I am sorry.
It doesn’t matter.
Good night.
See you tomorrow.
Have a good weekend.

Chllenge Your Chinese Level

How is your Chinese level? Here are some brainstorm questions. Have a test on yourself and see how many you can answer without hestitating.

1 什么东西经常会来,但却从没真正来过?
  What is often coming ,but has never come indeed?

 It is Xiaowang’s first time traveling abroad,his patents don’t know what to do because they don’t know the language.Xiaowang doesn’t any of the language,he is a healthy person.But he is traveling like in his own country,so why is this?

3 怎样才能用蓝笔写出红字来?
  How can you write a red character with a blue pen?

4 太平洋的中间是什么?
What is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? 

  What is the thing that belongs to you ,but others use it more often than you ?

1 明天 ( tomorrow)                       
2 小王是个婴儿  ( Xiaowang is a baby)
3 可以的,用蓝笔写“红”字  ( Write the character 红 with with a blue pen)
 4 平   ( the character Ping )
 5 我的名字    ( my name )

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Monday, September 16, 2013

The Strategy for Remembering “前”and “后”

Many Chinese learners find it very difficult to use “前”and “

 : 前天,后天,两天前,五天后,前面,后面,。。。。

 Here is the strategy for remembering these words.

 1 .When talking about time,just remember we need to check the calendar. If you talk about the past time,you need to tear that day of paper off, so the related time all belongs to “前”------ 前天,前年,两天前,很久很久以前……If you talk about the future,the day paper is still on the calendar,therefore it comes later,this can help student understand the idea “后”------ 后天,后年,两天后,以后…….

 2 When talking about the position,all things in front of your eyes or something else belong to “前”------ 他坐在我前边。     


 All things behind your eyes or something else belong to “后”------ 我坐在他后边。


2 你的汉语怎么样?这里有个词语游戏,里边有很多双音节的词语,只要两个字相连,前后左右、斜着都可以成词,试一试,你能找到多少次吧?

1---- 5            马马虎虎

6----10            一般

11-15            厉害
16 个以上          汉语达人  

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